New build multi-storey apartment building, Manchester
VALUE: £17m
STATUS: Construction
Sky Gardens
Sky Gardens is a mixed-use development in the Castlefield area of Manchester comprising 167 dwellings and 8 commercial units with associated car parking and a landscaped public square as phase 1 of a masterplan for the surrounding area. The site is accessed from Chester Road, a major arterial route linking Manchester City Centre with Salford Quays and is a southern gateway into the City Centre. Phase One will include a twelve storey building that fronts Chester Road and is staggered in height to the rear, first dropping to ten storeys and then eight. Car and cycle parking is provided at basement, ground and upper ground levels; commercial floorspace at ground and upper ground levels; and residential apartments above.
Read moreAmenity space for residents will comprise a communal residents lounge on the upper ground floor, private terrace areas for apartments, balconies to some of the apartments and a communal roof terrace. A communal roof terrace is located on the tenth floor and is accessible to all residents in the building. It include urban beehives, communal gardens, a BBQ and picnic area and sun terrace.
A total of 82no. car parking spaces is provided within the scheme plus 4no. on-street car parking spaces which are to be allocated for Car Club operation. A significant part of the proposed scheme will be the provision of a new public square. This will be available to existing and future residents and employees of the area and is overlooked by the new commercial units.